There really is not much to tell about this mini. No conversion again, I just added some rubble on the base and painted the camo out of it. Camouflage, infiltration and sniper rifle, hmm... Perfect combination :)
With this guy, my painted Ariadna force is now over 250 points. I have one last guy waiting on my desk to be painted and it is kinda special for me. I will try to show some extra love to him and then I will go on and buy some more models I guess :)
The writing on the base is the Russian for Oleg (i hope...) in case you are wondering.
Love what you did with the base.. nah, just kidding.. though the painting is looking good matey!. Is the next one that Emergency 112 guy? That a super rad cool dude from another country bought and gave you for a bday gift many moons ago? Just curious ;)
@M R Lee
That he is mate, that he is... I think from now on, we should give painted figures or busts to each other as presents, like we did the last time. They are too quick to settle down and gather dust in one of the drawers otherwise.
when is our next game btw? kinda missed the koalas and the b.shotgun shots to da face:)
Come to Istanbul mate.. we have cookies! Then we can do Koalas and B.Shotguns to the face! :)
@M R Lee
innnteresting. inviting me to istanbul while you are away in UK, hmmm... :)
And the master plan starts to unfold... mwuhahahaha ;)
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