Since the release of Forge World's Bull Centaur Renders, I was unable to field my bull centaurs due to the base size change. I had my bull centaurs mounted on 50mm square bases and as you can imagine, I was less than impressed when I found out about the base size was supposed to be 75x50mm.
The only thing to do was rebasing them like I recently did for the hellcannon. I went on to purchase the bases from Fenris Games. They do an awesome job of providing plywood bases, laser-cut to the size that suit your needs. They are very friendly and take customer relations very seriously, so I can do nothing but to recommend them. Also, the discount they offered due to celebrating of their 24th year in business came very handy :)
So, plywood bases, rock formations on top of them made out of foam with some gravel dressing to here and there. Underneath, I used some fridge magnets. I was unsure about this due to the fact that all of the bull centaur minis were very bulky, metal miniatures. I doubted the attraction would be enough but it got the job done. One less thing to spend money on, right?
After getting the work done, I can say that they do look small on those bases; but not ridiculously small as I suspected them to be, thank god. Good to know considering that I have 20 more bull centaurs to paint.
The only thing to do was rebasing them like I recently did for the hellcannon. I went on to purchase the bases from Fenris Games. They do an awesome job of providing plywood bases, laser-cut to the size that suit your needs. They are very friendly and take customer relations very seriously, so I can do nothing but to recommend them. Also, the discount they offered due to celebrating of their 24th year in business came very handy :)
So, plywood bases, rock formations on top of them made out of foam with some gravel dressing to here and there. Underneath, I used some fridge magnets. I was unsure about this due to the fact that all of the bull centaur minis were very bulky, metal miniatures. I doubted the attraction would be enough but it got the job done. One less thing to spend money on, right?
After getting the work done, I can say that they do look small on those bases; but not ridiculously small as I suspected them to be, thank god. Good to know considering that I have 20 more bull centaurs to paint.
20 more! i need to do bases for 10 more, but man they are small lol
Pretty cool. These pictures help me alot for my problems with the Centaurs from Mantic
small indeed matey :(
glad to be of help mate.
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