Wednesday, June 26

Tourist's View: Portugal Wargaming Scene

Last week, I visited Portugal for a little sightseeing. While my gf was giving her speech in an international conference, I decided to go out alone to see one of the Games Workshop stores in Lisbon. After a metro and tram trip to Alcantra neihborhood, and with some help from the Google Maps, I managed to get to my destination: Homem Azul.

Once inside, the owner, Paulo, gave me a warm welcome. Luckily everyone seems to speak English very well in Lisbon. Before long, we started chatting about the gaming scene in Lisbon, Turkey, GW's policies, etc. According to what he says, the number of WH players in Lisbon area has been in decline for the last 5 years, from 30-40s to a handful. Even though there were some 6-7 people in the store, they weren't actual customers. It was only I who left the store with something.

The store was a three-storey one, with the highest floor containing the gaming tables, middle floor serving as the actual store. The lowest floor also had some tables and scenery but since they were stored away, it was obvious that they haven't seen any action for quite some time, sad...

The stock contained the recent releases but was lacking in variety. Something perfectly understandable for such a small business. I remember seeing the latest High Elf army book and Eldar codex, as well as the phoenix box recently released for the HEs. There were also a small selection of minis from other vendors like Avatars of War, Flames of War and Dragon Rune Miniatures. It was a little disappointing for me to see that they didn't have anything about Infinity; but still I went on and bought a goblin muso wolf rider from Dragon Rune, as well as some paints.
Portugal are, like almost all of the EU countries, in a financial crisis, you could tell that even by walking the streets of the town. It was sad to see that the crisis is having its toll on wargaming community in Lisbon. Before I finish, I would like to wish the best for Paulo and all the fellow wargamers out there.


MrLee said... [Reply]

Dude.. you forgot to mention he had LEGO in there! LEGO!!!

Nice post about the highlight of your trip. Would be curious to have heard more about what the guys were playing, and if they local gamers had anything to say to you as well?

Nice display piece though. Very cool!

Unknown said... [Reply]

@M R Lee

heh, lego ftw indeed...

according to what paulo says, the remaining few players are into 40k. Didn't see anyone plying at the store tho.

i didnt have the chance to chat with the other guys unfortunately as they were preoccupied with painting.

next time i guess...

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