Basically, it is a battery operated circuit with a blinking yellow light, covered with layers of cotton, then sprayed black a little on the upsides to create the smoke effect. They are a little bigger than I expected honestly, but they still have their uses.
I'm planning to use them in the bases of the K'daai Destroyers and maybe the Bull Centaurs. They are too big to fit inside a regiment of K'daai Fireborns I'm afraid. Also, I can use them on my display board too, as you can see from the photos. Worst case, they make an awesome night lamp :)
I bought them from an eBay seller called xjacsx, and it was not expensive. If you are interested, I bet he has several more in his store to sell anytime.
Very cool.. I really like how this army expanded your modelling skills during this project. Can't wait to see what items come out of the next one now!
Probably quite easy to knock up too, a few flashing LEDs, some cotton wool, black spray and a coin cell. I have installed LEDs in some of my Mechanicus figures, a 3v coin cell fits nicely in a round slottabase. Looking good! I especially like the big crater, very glowy!
@M R Lee, @Fimm Mc Cool
Thanks guys, i appreciate the comments. will try and take a pic with one of those planted in one of the destoyers too...
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